Early Childhood Montessori Diploma – A.M.I
Training of Trainers – MTC
In her third year of university, Judith participated in a silent retreat at a beautiful retreat house in Lumsden, Saskatchewan overlooking the Qu’Appelle Valley. When entering a small library, Judith felt herself drawn towards a book entitled The Secret of Childhood by Dr. Maria Montessori. When Judith completed the book, she felt a moment of inspiration that led her to set out to complete her life’s work in education.
Judith attended Norte Dame College for Liberal Arts and the University of Ottawa and was inspired to take her AMI Early Childhood Diploma at Toronto Montessori Institute, graduating in 1976, where she began her journey in Montessori education. She was privileged to be guided in her studies by distinguished Montessori teacher trainers including, the granddaughter of Dr. Maria Montessori, Renilde Montessori along with Audrey Sillick, Sandford Jones (Music), and Paula Glasgow.
Judith was enthused to begin her work as a Coordinator and Lecturer for the Early Childhood Montessori Diploma Program in Calgary. One of the highlights of her career was when she was a volunteer working on behalf of the Public Montessori school board in Calgary. Having spearheaded and written the proposal for the public Montessori program and having founded, with a group of parents, the not-for-profit Montessori Alternative Public School Society which fundraises on behalf of the program, she is glad to have contributed to make Montessori Education accessible to children and families in Calgary, from all walks of life. She has owned and operated Oaks and Acorns Montessori Schools and Montessori Casa in Calgary for the past 20 years.
When Judith is not busy working, she enjoys spending her time reading, listening to classical music, making art, meditating and being with children. Judith’s weekend indulgence consists of spending her morning completing all the puzzles in the weekend paper. Her current favorite puzzle is Decodaquote.
Currently, Judith is working on moving beyond offering second language lessons in her schools to developing bilingual classrooms. Her vision and dream for Montessori education is that it becomes increasingly accessible and increasingly true to Dr. Montessori’s vision. Over the past decade or so, Judith has seen a shift towards respectful and open-minded relations between Montessori teacher training organizations. Judith believes a unified intelligent compassionate consistent message from Montessori educators will be a force for good in the world. Current scientific research will also continue to reveal not only the genius but the wholesomeness and deep kindness of Dr. Montessori’s method and philosophy.
When Judith was a child, she spent her childhood in Northern Manitoba where she was once chased by a bear. Around the age of 6, Judith was out tobogganing with friends on a hill at the edge of the woods in early winter. While having fun, they seemed to have raised the ire of a large black bear who likely had just settled down for a long winter’s sleep. He or she came crashing out of the woods, reared up and came toward them with a roar. Judith and her friends leaped onto their toboggans, slid to the bottom of the hill, and ran all the way home. This is one of Judith’s favourite stories to tell older children.